Soul Portraits

Marius Michael-George

What is a Soul Portrait?

A Soul Portrait is a painting that captures the Soul Essence of a person.
They are executed in a new technique that combines the use of traditional oil painting with digital art rendering and special effects.

How are Soul Portraits Commissioned?

Once the payment is received, we will schedule a Skype session and all necessary details and specific possibilities will be explored between the client and the artist.

The whole process is extremely flexible, with the client's needs and preferences as our main priority, and we like to think that anything is possible — "As Above, So Below".

larger sizes available — please inquire

For more info, please email or call 406-333-4599

Thanks and Blessings.


FROM: DOREEN VIRTUE - Bestselling Hayhouse author of over 50 books, Spiritual Doctor of psychology, Angel healer.

Thank you, Dear Marius,

The painting looks amazing in my living room -- sooo alive and luminescent!
Just yesterday, I was swimming in the ocean and the painting really captures the ocean's alive energy and movement.

Hugs and Happiness,

FROM: SUSANNA SOPHIA HART - Angel Healer, Spiritual Teacher.

Beautiful Blessings Marius,

I would like to share my deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation for this beautiful and precious Soul Portrait. Upon seeing my angelic self flying through the stars, my heart melted, my angel wings opened, and my spirit began to soar!

I have placed my Soul Portrait upon my altar. Each time I behold the beautiful vision of my ascending angelic self, I am reminded of the vast and exquisite beauty of our universe and of how we are all intricately and divinely woven into the web of Life and all Creation!

As I am gazing upon the image, I am discovering that the painting is indeed a portal into my soul and, within it's image, are the Codes of my Divine Angelic Blueprint.

The more I meditate upon my Soul Portrait, the more I am embodying my angelic self.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your visionary gifts of being able to see into one's soul and the ability to masterfully create such a deliciously divine visual.

You truly are a master alchemist awakening consciousness through sacred imagery, and I am forever grateful for your gifts of creating this one-of-a-kind, live, Soul Portrait for me.

In Love,
Susanna Sophia
"Sophia Temple of Light"

FROM: STARLA GIERER - Musician and Composer.

Dear Marius,

The portrait is amazing. Any words I choose won't describe what I have been feeling or seeing in this portrait.
All I could do was stare at it and sit with  it (mouth open to the floor). You are that good. I love the rainbow and the  light streaming down through my crown and into my spiritual body.

The vibrations  of music and the diverse creativity coming from it is magnificent. Keep going  Marius. You are getting all the information you need to paint this portrait in  its purest form. Music was my main expression of this portrait.

All other things  I may have mentioned you culminated so well.

Susan loved it as well.

Thank you isn't enough but it's all I know. I can only send love of appreciation to you.
