Marius Michael-George


There are three figures represented in the Chart, which we will refer to as the upper figure, the middle figure, and the lower figure. The upper figure is the I AM Presence, the I AM THAT I AM, the individualization of God's presence for every son and daughter of the Most High.

The Divine Monad consists of the I AM Presence surrounded by the spheres (color rings) of light which comprise the causal body. This is the body of First Cause that contains within it man's "treasure laid up in heaven"-words and works, thoughts and feelings of virtue, attainment, and light-pure energies of love that have risen from the plane of action in time and space as the result of man's judicious exercise of free will and his harmonious qualification of the stream of life that issues forth from the heart of the Presence and descends to the level of the Christ Self, thence to invigorate and enliven the embodied soul.

The middle figure in the Chart is the Mediator between God and man, called the Holy Christ Self the Real Self, or the Christ consciousness. It has also been referred to as the Higher Mental Body or one's Higher Consciousness.

This Inner Teacher overshadows the lower self, which consists of the soul evolving through the four planes of Matter using the vehicles of the four lower bodies (the etheric, or memory, body; the mental body; the emotional, or desire, body; and the physical body) to balance karma and fulfill the divine plan.

The three figures of the Chart correspond to the Trinity of Father (the upper figure) Son (the middle figure), and Holy Spirit (the lower figure). The latter is the intended temple of the Holy Spirit, whose sacred fire is indicated in the enfolding violet flame. The lower figure corresponds to you as a disciple on the Path. Your soul is the nonpermanent aspect of being which is made permanent through the ritual of the ascension. The ascension is the process whereby the soul, having balanced her karma and fulfilled her divine plan, merges first with the Christ consciousness and then with the living Presence of the I AM THAT I AM. Once the ascension has taken place, the soul the nonpermanent aspect of being, becomes the Incorruptible One, a permanent atom in the Body of God. The Chart of Your Divine Self is therefore a diagram of yourself-past, present, and future.

The lower figure represents the son of man or child of the Light evolving beneath his own 'Tree of Life'. This is how you should visualize yourself standing in the violet flame, which you invoke daily in the name of the I AM Presence and your Holy Christ Self in order to purify your four lower bodies in preparation for the ritual of the alchemical marriage-your soul's union with the Beloved, your Holy Christ Self.

The silver (or crystal) cord is the stream of life, or "lifestream," that descends from the heart of the I AM Presence to the Holy Christ Self to nourish and sustain (through the chakras) the soul and its vehicles of expression in time and space. It is over this 'umbilical' cord that the energy of the Presence flows, entering the being of man at the crown and giving impetus for the pulsation of the threefold flame as well as the physical heartbeat. When a round of the soul's incarnation in Matter-form is finished, the I AM Presence withdraws the silver cord, whereupon the threefold flame returns to the level of the Christ, and the soul clothed in the etheric garment gravitates to the highest level of her attainment where she is schooled between embodiments, until her final incarnation when the great law decrees she shall go out no more.

The dove of the Holy Spirit descending from the heart of the Father is shown just above the head of the Christ. When the son of man puts on and becomes the Christ consciousness as Jesus did, he merges with the Holy Christ Self. The Holy Spirit is upon him and the words of the Father, the beloved I AM Presence, are spoken, "This is my beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased" (Matt. 3:17).

(exerpt from "The Science of the Spoken Word" published by Summit University Press)

For more information please refer to "Climb the Highest Mountain" published by Summit University Press.

Our art prints are professional quality reproductions printed on premium photo paper with semi-archival inks, guaranteed non-fading for 25 years. The original scans and digital files were color corrected by the artist for the closest possible match to the original oil paintings.
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Our open edition archival art prints are museum quality reproductions, printed on premium acid-free archival paper and the latest fine art 7-color digital technology using the finest archival inks available. The original scans and digital files were color corrected by the artist for the closest possible match to the original oil paintings. Independent testing done by Wilhelm Imaging Research Inc. has confirmed that these archival prints will last for a minimum of 200 years without any noticable change in color quality.
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Our limited edition Giclée prints on canvas are the highest fine art quality reproductions available. They closely capture the brillant color range and finest details of the origninal oil paintings. Printed on premium archival artist canvas and the finest archival inks, our reproductions are guaranteed to last for a minimum of 200 years without any noticable change in color quality. This was confirmed through independent testing done by Wilhelm Imaging Research, Inc. - world leader in image-longevity testing. The original scans and digital files were color corrected by the artist for the closest possible match to the original oil paintings.
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Edition size 250 copies.
Hand-signed and numbered by the artist.

  ***The original painting is also available for purchase call or email for details.***

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